Tuesday, November 10, 2009


so i read captivating and im beginning to know my own heart and the heart of others woman as well. but now, i have started to read wild at heart...basically captivating but for men. i want to know how to make a man's heart come alive, even just as a friend. i just want to encourage guys to be the men of god that they are. i've only read the first chapter and i can honestly already recommend this book to guys.
but here is a passage where john eldredge captures a womans heart in just a few paragraphs - men take notes and women, delight in this beautiful passage:

"there are also three desires that i have found essential to a woman's heart, which are not entirely different from a man's and yet they remain distinctly feminine. not every woman wants a battle to fight, but every woman earns to be fought for. listen to the longing of a woman's hear: she wants to be more than noticed - she wants to be wanted. she wants to be pursued. "i just want to be a priority to someone," a friend in her thirties told me. and her childhood dreams of a knight in shining armor are coming to rescue her are not girlish fantasies; they are the core to the feminine heart and the life she knows she was made for. so zach comes back for paula in an officer and a gentleman, fredrick comes back for jo in little women, and edward returns to pledge his undying love for eleanor in sense and sensibility.
every woman also wants an adventure to share. one of my wife's favorite films is the man from snowy river. she loves the scene where jessica, the beautiful young heroine, is rescued by jim, her hero, and together they ride on horseback through the wilds of the australian wilderness. "i want to be isabo in ladyhawk," confessed another femal friend. "to be cherished, pursued, fought for-yes. but also, i want to be strong and a part of the adventure." so many men make the mistake of thinking that the woman is the adventure. but that is where the relationship immediately goes downhill. a woman doesnt want to be the adventure, she wants to be caught up in something greater than herself. our friend went on to say, "i know myself and i know im not the adventure. so when a man makes me the point, i grow bored immediately. i know that story. take me into one i dont know."
and finally, every woman wants to have a beauty to unveil. not to conjure, but to unveil. most women feel the pressure to be beautiful from very young, but that is not what i speak of. there is also a deep desire to simply and truly be the beauty, and be delighted in. most little girls will remember playing dress up, or wedding day, or "twirling skirts," those flowing dresses that were perfect for spinning around in. she'll put her pretty dres on, come into the living room and twirl. what she longs for is to capture her daddy's delight. my wife remembers standing on top of the coffee table as a girl of five or six, and singing her heart out. do you see me? asks the heart of every girl. and are you captivated by what you see?
the world kills a woman's heart when it tells her to be tough, efficient, and independent. sadly, christianity has missed her heart as well. walk into most churches in america, and have a look around and ask yourself this question: what is a christian woman? again, dont listen to what is said, look at what you find there. there is no doubt about it. you'd have to admit a christian woman is...tired. all we've the feminine soul is pressure to "be a good servant." no one is fighting for her heart; there is no grand adventure to be swpet up in; and every woman doubts very much that she has any beauty to unveil."

isnt it wonderful? i love it.


Margie said...

its so true. You're brilliant, and I loveyou

Chasing_Hollywood said...

Beautiful. I want to read captivating so much!